Knowledge Session: State DOT Disaster Response (AASHTO Journal)
Knowledge Session: Building Trust From Public Engagement (AASHTO Journal)
FDOT focused on improving railroad crossing safety (WFTV-TV video)
Pennsylvania’s roads would get more gas tax money in next budget, but a highway funding gap remains (Pennsylvania Capital-Star)
Louisiana DOTD Finishes $23M Bridge Lighting Project (AASHTO Journal)
Illinois DOT Gearing Up for 34th Diversity Conference (AASHTO Journal)
Phase-Free Traffic Signal Control For Balanced Flow In Sensor-Limited Environments (Scientific Reports)
Hearing Urges Action on Transportation Safety Challenges (AASHTO Journal)
Fuel haulers’ regional emergency declaration extended in 15 states (Commercial Carrier Journal)
Maryland DOT Forms Transit Development Program (AASHTO Journal)
WVDOT Starts Work on Transit Renovation Project (AASHTO Journal)
New Jersey Exploring Alternative Uses for Its Offshore Wind Port (
USDOT Fires New Hires in FTA, FAA (Government Executive)
New Interim Revisions for Structural Support Standards (AASHTO Journal)
Federal Register Information
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments
Modification of Class D Airspace; Torrance Airport, Torrance, CA
Modification of Class D Airspace and Modification of Class E Airspace; Jack Northrop Field/Hawthorne Municipal Airport, Hawthorne, CA
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Helicopters